Saturday, 14 February 2015


I haven't posted to this blog for about 1 year now and felt that I shouldn't just leave without saying goodbye.

I have been busy training to be an artist (a childhood dream) and I have just set up a small creative business. This is why I haven't had time to write this blog.

However, I am still actively training in karate - it's business as usual in that respect - and I haven't lost any enthusiasm for the art. On the contrary, I am busy training towards my 3rd dan in about 18 months time. I still read any comments that are left on my posts and leave answers for most of them, so if my posts still interest you please keep reading them and I will reply.

I would like to thank everyone who has supported this blog over the 6 years I have been writing it - it has been fun communicating with you and I will still be popping over to read your blogs from time to time.

Best wishes


P.S If you are interested in seeing my art here's my new FaceBook site:

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