Sunday 5 July 2009

Dojo Moments - Archive

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bare feet.......
blackened by
the dojo floor

trickles of sweat
in summer's airless heat.......
limbs heavy

he throws uke.....
straightens his gi
then pulls tight his belt

crashing to the mat.....
his arm swings out
to break the fall

the class march in shiko dachi.....
aching thighs!

blocking the strike too hard
I wince.........
forearm throbbing!

gumshields in place
hands gloved......
we stare each other down

summer's sudden downpour.....

running to the dojo
gi splashed

a loud kiai
disturbs the quietness
of the dojo

standing with feet together
she bows.....
announces kata

entering the dojo
he stops and bows.....
steps onto the mat

tops of my feet
press hard on the floor......
bowing in seiza

freshly washed gi
pressed and hanging......
waiting to be worn

standing in yoi
heart beating fast.....
waiting for my turn

the stiff brown belt.......
I tie it around my waist

losing grip of the tonfa
it falls to the ground....
and breaks!

the small girl spars
with the teenagers knees

feeling the pain
as the wrist lock tightens.......
he taps out

a patch of sweat
on the mat.......
shows where he fell

a line of students
facing forward......
standing in yoi

face cooled by the breeze......
practising kata
by the open door

his muscles quiver
with tension.....
performing Sanchin kata

face contorted
she absorbs the shockwave.....
as he strikes the pad

tugging again......
to tighten the knot
of the new stiff belt!

she sweeps back
the stray hairs.....
stuck to her face with sweat!

kneeling in seiza
sitting on my heels......
foot cramps!

arriving late
sensei shouts.......
"twenty press-ups!"

thrown too hard
I crash to the mats......
and bounce!

running through rain
bokken in hand......
to the safety of the dojo

stepping into cat stance.....
he pulls his arms
into a sharp shuto block

eyes closed I hear......
rythmic breath sounds
of the karateka

a lazy wasp
buzzing around me......
as I stand in yoi!

with lightening speed......
he thrusts a side kick
at his opponent

pulling up suddenly
she grimaces and hops.....
foot cramps!

looks resplendent........
in his drawing of the sword

looking at the floor
as I bow......
ten splayed toes!

flashes of white gi......
students tumbling
into break falls!

joy on her face
as she flips the tonfa....
and catches it!

bowing in seiza
she cheats.....
sitting with heals up!

a group of students.....
chatting animatedly
before start of class

bent over legs straight,
hands on floor.....
feeling the hamstrings stretch!

children giggling.....
playing racing games
in the dojo

with bokken sheathed.....
he holds his thumb protectively
over the tsuba

the pressure of finger nails
digging into my palm,
as I make a fist

tap, tap, TAP......
the lock on his wrist
grows ever tighter

Creative Commons License
Dojo Moments by Sue C Wharton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

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