Friday 20 July 2012

Olympic Judo...

I don't mean to make you jealous but.....I picked up my tickets to go and see judo at the Olympics today!

Yes! Hubby and I will going down to London at the weekend to see two events at the games. On Saturday we have tickets to see the beach volleyball at Horse Guards Parade and on Sunday we are seeing men's (66kg) and women's (52kg) judo. We will be staying in a 4 star hotel for two nights as well!

I'm so excited!

How could we not go to the Olympics when it is in Britain for the first time in decades? It seems like a once in a life time opportunity, and in my 50th year as well! Yes it was my 50th birthday back in June so this trip was planned as my birthday treat. I didn't want to leave anything to chance so last year when the tickets were released for sale in that awful lottery fiasco we opted to book a short package deal with guaranteed tickets for 2 events instead - I can't believe more people didn't choose that option after all the fuss about the ticket lottery. 

We got to chose the main event (Judo) but had no choice on what came with it. Beach volleyball sounds okay though - we'll my husband's looking forward to it....I wonder why that is?

Did I mention that I'm excited!

As well as actually being at the events I am looking forward to just being in London with all the festivities and crowds. Hopefully the atmosphere will be great and the weather okay. It appears that the forecast is for better weather than we've had these last few months - I've never seen so much rain! Apparently the jet stream is finally shifting north allowing some high pressure to come in over Britain and let the sun finally shine.

Britain has 14 Judoka in their team. They all seem to have a string of National, European and World competition medals so hopefully we are in with a chance for a medal or two! You can find out more about the GB judo team here.

I'll let you know how the weekend goes when I get back.......

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  1. I am so jealous but happy for you, enjoy!

  2. Have a blast, and happy belated birthday!

  3. Very jealous. You will be able to cheer on the Australian women's volley ball team who will dominate the competition. You need to learn the chant, 'Aussie, Aussie, Aussie; Oi, Oi, Oi.'

  4. Thanks guys! And if that's going to!

  5. You will have a great time Sue. How often do the Olympics come around to your country? I attended the games in Sydney and had a blast. Saw volleyball as well, and was amazed. You will come away inspired.

  6. Awesome!

    I went to the '76 Olympics in Montreal.

    My brother and I saw boxing, weight lifting, soccer, rowing and fencing. It was a great time.

  7. First disappointment of Olympic Games because they are being held in England. Women's volleyball team are covering up because it's too cold to play in just brief bikinis.

  8. Rick, sounds brilliant.. Tickets must have been easier to get in those days!

    John...the sun is actually shining now and it is quite hot today (around 22C - that's hot for Britain!). They are clearly wimps!

  9. I'm very jealous. Last go around, I was very pleased that most of the Judo was streamed live. I'm hoping that they do the same this year. Here in the USA, the coverage on NBC is usually pretty terrible.

    Have fun.

  10. Hi Steve, I'll be soaking up the atmosphere but you'll probably see more on TV than I'll see live! Still that's no substitution for actually being there...


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