Monday 20 June 2011

New look, same name.....

I hope you like the new look blog. I decided it was a good time for a new fresh look. However, I've decided not to change the title. Somehow " my journey to black belt" still seems appropriate. I've only just reached the borders of black belt territory and will now spend the rest of my life travelling into its deeper terrain, exploring all it has to offer. So there's no need to change, its just business as usual......

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  1. Like a zen koan - good response!

  2. Yeap... I think you're right Sue.

    But, I guess yet a different preposition as "into", "at", I dunno, would be a good transition and would not change the name in essence.

    However, more important is the content. ;)

  3. Sue. I'm familiar with the naming problem.

    My blog was named a Black Belt at 50 since I was hoping to earn my black belt around the time I turned 50. (I earned the belt in Nov 2008, turned 50 in March 2009).

    It was initially about my experiences chasing the belt. (Actually, it was initially a way to keep notes to help me remember the kata which I kept losing when I had them on paper or my computer).

    In any case, when I got the belt, I decided to maintain the blog so I adjusted the title from "My Journey to Black Belt" to "My Journey to Black Belt. And Beyond"

    Feel free to do the same.

    Now that I'm in my mid 50s, should I rename it: Not so catchy....

  4. Maybe you can put an explanation (or permanent link) of this blog entry/name on the side bar? Just so when this entry disappears into the archives, people can still read your biography and understand your intentions/overall theme of your blog.

  5. Thanks Charles!

    Guilherme, I did think about some minor changes to the name but I decided it was simpler to just keep it the same.

    BBat50, I didn't really think ahead far enough when I started my blog. I probably wouldn't have had this problem if I'd done so. Doh!

    Tracy, I think I might take you up on that idea - thanks!

  6. Great new look, Sue. Clean and not too busy.

  7. Journeyman, thanks, glad you like it!


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