Tuesday 20 April 2010

Stranded in Cyprus - hope on the horizon!

Okay I've got to be quick today - even at 6.15am there is a queue for the computer!

Things are looking a bit more hopeful for getting home. Britain is opening it's airspace today and so some planes may take off today. However, I think we are in a queue - there are at least 2 plane loads of people before us just in this hotel so it could still be a few days. Hopefully we may get some idea of timescale today at our morning meeting.

The atmosphere was a lot more chilled yesterday in the hotel. Most of the moving around of people seemed to be finished so people were slipping back into holiday mode again - including us, well, after we'd done all the laundry anyway! (running out of undies!).

We have been so well looked after by our tour company First Choice who I can't praise enough. A lack of information is usually the most frustating thing in these circumstances but we have had twice daily bulletins and it makes the world of difference to know what is going on. So well done First Choice. Other people have not been so lucky and have had a much worse time of it with their travel companies. I heard of one family who were given 1 hour to check out of their hotel with no-where to go! How can they treat people like that? People who are having to re-book their own flights are complaining that the costs are doubling in front of their eyes as they try to book online! I believe that during the war it was illegal to profiteer during a crisis - what happened to society's morals? I know they will argue it's market forces - supply and demand and all that but people are really struggling financially.

Some good news on the exam front for my son - his French teacher has e-mailed to say she will postpone his oral French exam for a week and she has sent him some revision materials - he will be pleased with that when he wakes up in about 2 hours time!

I'm going to get ready for breakfast now - hopefully I will have news about getting home to share later (if I can get on the computer!)

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  1. Good to hear Sue & glad the school worries are over too.
    Having a couple of planes go first might not be so bad a thing when you think about it...
    Enjoy your extended vacation!

  2. I am told that this ash cloud business over UK and most of Europe must be taken very seriously! If you look at history, after the Vesuvius explosion, there were no flights over Italy for 2,000 years!

  3. Wow! such wisdom. Actually you may not be far off things have changed again here but Ill be blogging about it tomorrow. Thanks for your comments it really helps to hear a friendly 'voice' :-)


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