Wednesday 22 July 2009

Martial Arts World Record Attempt - help needed

On Saturday August 1st there will be an attempt to break the world record for the highest number of martial artists training at one time. 1000 martial artists are needed for this attempt - training with their own club on Seaburn Beach , Seaburn, County Durham.

They have not yet got enough people to break the record and need support from more clubs. If your club can help out and you fancy training on a beach with 1000 other martial artists please phone Brian Ford on 07794 411447 to book your club a place. This is also a sponsored event to raise money for Cancer Research UK and is supported by Martial News.

To summarise the details:

Date: Saturday August 1st
Time: 8-10am (while the tide is out)
Venue: Seaburn Beach, Seaburn, County Durham. (Near Sunderland)
Who: Any style martial arts club
Why: To be part of a world record attempt, have fun and raise money for charity.

Brian ford said: "This will help to put martial arts firmly in the regional and national media in a positive light. But more importantly, it will help to raise money for Cancer Research UK"

So if you can help just phone Brian Ford on 07794 411447

I wish I could go but unfortunately my sensei is unable to take our club up to Seaburn on that day due to other commitments. But I'll be there is spirit!

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